The Global Management Challenge (GMC) is hosted in Kenya by Asim Shah, a previous GMC United Kingdom National Finalist. Participating in the competition was influential in his approach to management and gave him an insight into how every function in an organisation is inter-dependent. He gives credit to the GMC for his advanced skills in using Microsoft Excel for modelling and simulating financial and business decisions. His team were famous for challenging the GMC simulator to handle a manufacturing business that solely wanted to sell its products online!
The first edition of the GMC in Kenya was held in 2014-2015 and it continued to run for 4 years until it took a break in 2018-2019. Over the 4 years over 1,000 people participated, majority of whom were students. The competition was won by teams from Kenyatta University for 3 consecutive years all of whom went on to represent the country at the International Finals in Macau (2015-2016), Doha (2016-2017) and Dubai (2017-2018).
The GMC gives Kenyans the opportunity to experience a global business environment and to challenge themselves against teams across the country. Which team will over come macro economic challenges, global disasters, huge marketing budgets from competing teams and continue to sustainably enhance their share price?
It’s a one-of-a-kind learning environment for aspiring managers and entrepreneurs to gain exposure of the real world.